B2B mode (Business-to-Business) provides a portal for existing clients via secure login 24/7 - allowing them to view their own data only.
Users can self-register or be invited from within Accura. Specific contacts can be assigned different website permissions based on their role.
Everything is managed from ONE database - AccuraMIS which means almost zero web setup and maintenance.

Our menu editor allows you to create your own custom menus with unlimited sub-menu items.
Menu items can redirect to new pages, products, downloads, or to the store applying a pre-filtered category.
They may also redirect to other website urls, such as product manufacturer specifications or images.
Menus can be public or limited to specific client logins only.

Website users can either obtain "live pricing" from a range of quote templates setup in your MIS, OR can enter a custom job specification as an RFQ (request-for-quote) for you to respond to.
In all cases pricing is determined by the markup profile or price list setup in your MIS for that client.
There is no additional pricing setup or maintenance needed in the web portal... everything permeates from the MIS - a HUGE timesaver.

If you hold finished stock for your clients they will automatically by uploaded to the web portal, along with images, pricing, specifications and live stock balance.
Your clients will be able to view products, call-off stock on-demand using the web store and shopping cart experience.
The web order will seamlessly sync back to Accura and raise a picking-list whilst adjusting real-time stock levels accordingly.

Our automation tools will download all order attachments and print-ready artwork when the order is received, rename the files and copy to job specific hot-folders for pre-flight and workflow software.
Furthermore web users can view and/or download PDF format copy documents from the portal including: order confirmations, delivery notes & sales invoices.

B2C mode (Business-to-Consumer) provides you with an "open storefront" designed to attract new adhoc customers with a user-friendly shopping cart experience.
Visitors can browse products, get pricing, customize designs, add-to-basket and checkout paying by card, and registering for an account as they do so.
New B2C accounts are synced directly into Accura and all client, contact and office data created automatically.

The slide manager lets you choose from three styles of image carousel, with control over images, text, colours/fonts, and the action when clicked.
Slides can be either generic, or specific to a client branded portal - so they can convey targeted messaging.
Clicking a slide can redirect to pages, products, store categories and more.

Web users can view previous order history, get tracking data, raise queries, request a repeat order or place new orders.
New orders ar raised either from a quote, or the store for stock fulfillment items, or "print-on-demand" products.
In addition clients can upload their own attachments such as their artwork, database lists, visuals, images, logos and more.

Products can be linked to artwork templates which can be customised using the optional eDocBuilder editor - which in turn generates a self-proofed hi-res PDF print-ready file..
Templates support advanced scripting, colour separations, bleeds, margins, auto-field population and logic handling.
The VDP engine allows clients to upload their own data spreadsheet to individually personalise each printed item.

Depending on the client account payment terms setup in Accura AccuraOnline with either prompt for card-payment on checkout via PayPal or Card Connect, or allow order submission if the account has credit terms agreed.
If payment is rejected then the order is saved as draft and can be returned to later.
Furthermore a built-in approval system ensures web users cannot place orders without approval by a senior if applicable.

Client branding is a key feature of B2B whereby you can customize the complete "look and feel" of the site according to each client login.
This can be achieved in minutes using a range of tools, without any knowledge of HTML, CSS, or programming experience of any kind.
Changes can include website theme, colours, fonts and layout, menus, page content and images, custom pricing/discounts and store filtering.

Our "out-of-the-box" approach provides quick and easy setup within 24 hours, without coding.
We include 4 standard themes to choose from, which can be further customised applying colours, text, fonts, images and different styles of header, menu, carousel, and footers.
This flexibility provides as many as 256 possible theme combinations - all configured by you without coding.

When a proof is raised in Accura, this is uploaded directly to the client's B2B web portal and they are notified with a url.
The client can then login, check, download, annotate, re-upload and attach files, then sign-off or reject the proof as applicable.
The clients' proof response is synchronised back to Accura in the background, and the job status is changed and studio manager notified - all seamlessly.

Web users can upload any number of attachments with orders.
These are in turn automatically downloaded, renamed, and copied in job specific folders in the Accura database.
This negates the need for a separate downloader or file-transfer products, FTPs sites and clients do not need to login twice - everything is done from a single AccuraOnline sign-on.

AccuraOnline uniquely integrates seamlessly, bi-directionally, and in real-time with your Accura MIS.
This results in minimal setup, reduced implementation and roll-out time, no integration costs or delays, and minimal maintenance as the MIS is the ONLY database to be maintained.
Changes in either Accura or the web portal are silently synchronised back-and-forth including all products, client changes, pricing, images, stock levels and more.